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Who Can Help

Almost anyone can help. The most important step is talking to someone about your thoughts of suicide. Find a trusted friend or adult that you feel comfortable talking to. That person does not have to be a doctor or counselor. It might be a teacher or other school staff person, your parents, a friend's parents, an older brother or sister, someone at your church, or someone from the local youth center. If the first person you pick does not help you, KEEP LOOKING. Some people are better at helping than others.

Ask yourself these questions to help you decide who you might be able to talk to.

  • Can I trust them not to talk to other people about me?
  • Will they give me a hard time?
  • Will they make me more upset?
  • Can they offer me the help I need?

After asking yourself these questions, you may decide you have no trusted friend or family member to speak to. That is okay. Sometimes speaking to a stranger is more comfortable.

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or search for local resources in your county with the map on this page.

  • In North Carolina call Hopeline of North Carolina crisis hotline at 919-231-4525 or Teen Talkline at 919-231-3626 or North Carolina Care-line at 919-733-7461.
  • State-wide resources for NON-CRISIS information
    • NC Dept. of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch: assesses the issue of youth suicide (ages 10-24), serves as the lead agency of the NC Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force, and promotes implementation of the goals set forth in Saving Tomorrows Today, the state youth suicide prevention plan. Contact Jane Ann Miller at 919-707-5430 or visit the website:
  • National Suicide Prevention Organizations:
    • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides immediate assistance to anyone in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a toll-free number (800-273-TALK (8255)).
    • Suicide Prevention Resource Center provides prevention support, training and materials to strengthen suicide prevention efforts. On its website is the SPRC Library Catalog, a searchable database containing information on suicide and suicide prevention.
    • American Association of Suicidology is dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide, promotes research, public awareness programs, public education and training for professionals and volunteers and serves as a national clearinghouse for information on suicide.
    • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention supports research projects, provides information and education about depression and suicide, promotes professional education, publicizes the magnitude of the problem and the need for research, prevention and treatment, and also supports programs for suicide survivor treatment, research and education.
    • National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, is a source of information and statistics about suicide, suicide risk and suicide prevention. To locate information, scroll down the left-hand navigation bar on the website and click on "suicide" under the "violence" heading.
    • National Institute of Mental Health is a Federal research agency and its website features several publications for teens on suicide and depression.